
AppGameKit V2.0.18 Released!
Today we've released a brand new build of AppGameKit. This maintenance build fixes a range of issues reported to us by our fantastic community.   We've also updated the free trial to the latest version of AppGameKit.   Here's a breakdown the changes since the last version; Fixed an error in the default shader when an object or mesh has an image in both texture stage 0 and 1 Assigning arrays using [1,2,3,4] with fewer values than its current size now shrinks the array Fixed a crash when using CloneObject on an object containing index data Fixed ChooseRawFile not returning the path to the file on Linux Fixed Visual Studio 2015 template project trying to compile in 64-bit mode, which is not supported on Windows Fixed Windows failing to set-up the window if multisampling is not supported Fixed setup.agc file being ignored on Mac and Linux Fixed GetHTTPResponseReady on Windows never returning 1 when using GetHTTPFile Changed the ASC command to return unsigned values instead of signed values, only affects ASCII codes above 127 Fixed Android apps failing to resume if SetRenderToImage is used Fixed SetObject3DPhysicsAngularVelocity not setting the angular velocity correctly Android apps now clean up their audio objects when quitting Fixed SetObjectScalePermanent not updating the collision object Updated GoogleAdsSDK on iOS to 7.7.0 and improved interstitial loading
AppGameKit V2.0.17 Released!

Today we're releasing Version 2.0.17 to all AppGameKit owners. It's packed with exciting new features and stability improvements. We're sure you'll enjoy playing with the new features, from the new 3D height map terrain system to the support of the industry standard .fbx support. There's also support for new advert formats, local notifications and more flexible arrays. Here's the full breakdown of all the changes;

Added CreateObjectFromHeightMap to create terrain type objects from height maps Added GetObjectHeightMapHeight to return the height of a terrain object at a specific point Added 3D fog commands to gradually fade objects over distance, and to create atmospheric effects Added SkyBox commands to draw a horizon and movable sun behind all other objects Updated 3D format loader to the latest version which fixes many bugs and adds the FBX file format

Echoes+ an AppGameKit Classic

We'll soon be releasing AppGameKit V2.0.17 to all our AppGameKit 2 developers. While you're waiting for its impending release you might want to re-discover this great retro game made with AppGameKit.

Echoes+ will make your eyes bleed as you try and remain focused on the myriad of neon coloured enemies spiralling around your small space craft. This free game is a great example of what AppGameKit is capable of and also shows the wide range of platforms you can take your game to. 

Coming later in February - AppGameKit 2.0.17

The AppGameKit team are working hard to bring all AppGameKit users a new build later this February. Here's another sneak peek of the gorgeous 3D terrain system. We're currently working hard to optimise the terrain system for mobile devices.

The system can use dynamic skybox objects that draw the sun in the location of the directional light and add the foggy blue horizon colours using a shader.

What's coming in AppGameKit 2.0.17?

Rolling out later in February will be a new version of AppGameKit featuring some very cool features. We're sure you're going to have a lot of fun using them and we cannot wait to see what you create.

An important toolset for any game developer is a great terrain system. AppGameKit will feature commands that make it very easy to generate a terrain on which you can base your games. Here's a screen shot from the current progress on terrain, this first image is a 512x512 terrain matrix which is typical of what many users will use to create a landscape. The colours are generated by a shader based on height which we'll include in a demo when we release V2.0.17