AppGameKit Studio 2020.03.27 latest version released!

Today we're releasing a large update to AppGameKit Studio. The main changes are the cross platform support of the Vulkan renderer and a swave of changes to the main editor.

Here are all the details of this new and significant update:

Vulkan rendering

  • Added Vulkan support to iOS
  • Added Vulkan support to Mac
  • Added Vulkan support to Linux
  • Added partial Vulkan support to Android - PlayVideoToImage, SetDeviceCameraToImage, and Augmented Reality are not supported with Android Vulkan
  • On all platforms, any device that does not support Vulkan will drop back to OpenGL automatically
  • Fixed shadows not working on the Windows Vulkan renderer if depth clamping is not available
  • Fixed SetShadowCascades not applying the given values
  • Modified shadow algorithm so that the shadow bias can now be set much lower for cascade shadow maps, reducing the gap between objects and shadows

Android Player App

  • The Android player will always use OpenGL ES for maximum compatibility, exported apps can choose to use Vulkan by using #renderer "Advanced"


  • Fixed an error where the Android APK export feature would lock up from time to time
  • Improved Android background behaviour so apps will pause and resume faster when sent to background
  • Updated Android to target API 29 as required by Google


  • Fixed export of APK or IPA. Could hang on second and subsequent attempts

Zip Commands

  • Fixed unzipping issue - 64-bit unzip with passwords

Scene Editor

  • Added undo to rotations actions
  • Fixed Undo/Redo when using properties widgets


  • Improved performance when using event based rendering
  • Make sure all properties changes are saved
  • Pressing Control+D in the IDE can sometimes cause a crash in the IDE
  • Fixed a random crash when right clicking on an item and then choosing go to definition
  • Now display the normal mouse pointer when over scrollbars
  • Reset the cursor position when closing/opening a agc file
  • Make sure code properties parameters entries are correct before opening the code properties window
  • Created a larger area to select line text, when mouse over line numbers. margin moved a little bit.
  • Fixed - Goto Definition search order, current file - open files in current project - open files all projects - all files current project - all files
  • Fixed - Sometimes CTRL-Tab didn't work as it should, this has been recoded and should much better now.
  • Auto complete would sometimes hide the line you are typing
  • Fixed an issue where Close Source File would not work on a new Source File
  • Added - "Go To Definition" Scan for same files already opened in a tab, even if not in same project.
  • Fixed - Pasting code at end of file caused the editor to jump to the first line
  • Fixed multiple issues with scene editor (


  • Added clipboard support to the Linux version


  • Fixed CopyNetworkMessage failing to copy messages that were not fully read
  • Copied network messages can now be read and added to
  • Added AddNetworkMessageBye and GetNetworkMessageByte


  • Increased the maximum local notifications to 100
  • Deprecated SetScreenResolution due to lack of support in newer renderers
  • Added an error if the Mod command is used with a divisor of 0 to avoid a crash


  • iOS now defaults to allowing audio from background apps to continue
  • iOS Tier 2 projects have been updated to use launch storyboards instead of images
  • iOS export has been updated to use a launch logo instead of a splash image, the logo will be centered on screen in any orientation

Note: Apple have made this release very difficult for us as they have introduced new notarization requirements that mean we can no longer support Android export in the Mac version. We've also seen at least one machine that force the IDE to run in a sandbox which breaks local app running, so if you experience any issues please let us know.

We hope you enjoy this all new version and if you find any issues please report them direct to the development team via the GitHub issues board

As usual, Steam owners of AppGameKit Studio will have the update ready for them. TheGameCreators customers can download the new version direct from our servers from their order history area of the TheGameCreators website