

Displays a popup dialog asking the user for consent to show personalised ads. The user's response will automatically be used to modify the AdMob settings so that ads are displayed in accordance with the user's preferences. The consent status will also be saved so that a future call to LoadConsentStatusAdMob can retrieve the value. You can call this command at any time during your app so that the user can change their preference, the user must be able to do this somewhere within your app.

You should wait for GetConsentStatusAdMob to return a non-negative value before using the other AdMob commands. This consent is also applied to Chartboost ads.

If GetConsentStatusAdMob returns 0 after LoadConsentStatusAdMob then you must call RequestConsentAdMob to obtain consent from the user before using any other advert commands or your app may fall foul of the new consent rules. If GetConsentStatusAdMob continues to return 0 after RequestConsentAdMob then something went wrong and you should not show any ads. You can call RequestConsentAdMob again at some point in the future to try again.

