

Loads a shader used for drawing objects. The vertex shader transforms the polygons into screen space and the pixel shader determines the final color of each pixel the object covers. Currently shaders default to GLSL version 1.10, the line "#version 110" will be automatically added as the first line of the shader unless you specify a "#version " line of your own. Note that doing this may mean your shader does not work on all devices and platforms. The global "precision" value will be added and should not be included in the shader source. Returns an ID that can be used to reference this shader in other commands.

If the current device does not support the shader then no shader will exist at the given ID, you should use GetShaderExists to check if the load was successful. You can use SetShaderErrorMode to set what happens when a shader is not supported or fails to compile.


integer LoadShader( szVertexFile, szPixelFile )

LoadShader( shaderID, szVertexFile, szPixelFile )
