(AGK version: 108.13)
Submitted: 2013-06-16 15:28:11
// host a network called ExampleNetwork and give this machine the client name Host
networkId = HostNetwork("ExampleNetwork", "Host", 1025)

    // check that the network is set up ok (if the host returns 0 for isnetworkactive at any point, the network has failed)
    if networkId > 0 and IsNetworkActive(networkId)
        // print details of the network, including client number (this number will include the host)
        Print("Network Active")
        Print("Number of Clients: " + Str(GetNetworkNumClients(networkId)))

        // cycle through all the clients
        clientId = GetNetworkFirstClient(networkId)
        while clientId > 0
            // print the client details
            Print("Client " + Str(clientId))
            // if the client has disconnected, it needs to be cleaned up and removed
            if GetNetworkClientDisconnected(networkId, clientId)
                // if the first item of client user data is not set (0 is default)
                if GetNetworkClientUserData(networkId, clientId, 0) = 0
                    // set the first item of client user data to 1 so that we know we have already cleaned up (clients persist for a few cycles after being deleted)
                    SetNetworkClientUserData(networkId, clientId, 0, 1)
                    // delete the client (this will not be instant)
                    DeleteNetworkClient(networkId, clientId)
                Print("     Client Disconnected")
                // if the client is connected, print its unique identifying name (chosen in the joinnetwork or hostnetwork commands)
                Print("     Client Connected")
                Print("     Name: " + GetNetworkClientName(networkId, clientId))
            // as this machine is the host, we can work out if the current client is the host by checking it against the current machine's id
            if clientId = GetNetworkMyClientId(networkId)
                Print("     Client Is Host")
                Print("     Client Is Client")
            // move on to the next client
            clientId = GetNetworkNextClient(networkId)
        Print("Network Setup Failed")

    // update the screen
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