(AGK version: 108.13)
Submitted: 2013-06-14 10:26:24
type NetworkName
    name$ // the name of the network detected (this is used to connect to the network using the JoinNetwork command)
    lastBroadcast# // this will store the time that the network was last heard from, allowing us to prune dead networks

// create a global array of networks detected
// the aim is to display this list to the screen
global networkListSize as integer
dim networkNames[0] as NetworkName
networkListSize = 0

// create a broadcast listener to listen for agk networks
// agk networks broadcast their existance intermittently on port 45631
global broadcastListener
broadcastListener = CreateBroadcastListener(45631)

// create a string that will contain the list of networks
// as none have been found, the default value is the no networks found message
global networkListText as string
networkListText = "No Networks Found."

    updateNetworkList() // update the list of networks stored in networkNames
    Print(networkListText) // print the updated list of networks to the screen
    Sync() // refresh the screen

function updateNetworkList()
    updates = 0 // assume that there have been no updates this cycle
	time# = Timer() // save the current time

    // get a message (if any) received by the broadcast listener
    incomingMessage = GetBroadcastMessage(broadcastListener)
    // while there are still messages to process (GetBroadcastMessage will return 0 if there are no more messages)
    while (incomingMessage > 0)
        // read a string from the message - this will be the name of the agk network
        networkName$ = GetNetworkMessageString(incomingMessage)

        // find out if the network that sent the message is already in our list
        alreadyInList = 0
        for c = 1 to networkListSize
            // if the network already is in our list
            if networkNames[c].name$ = networkName$
                // update its time of detection so that we know that it is still active
                networkNames[c].lastBroadcast# = time#
                alreadyInList = 1
        next c

        // if the network that sent the message is new (because it does not appear in our list)
        if alreadyInList = 0
            updates = 1 // record that there have been updates this cycle, meaning that the text will need to be updated later
            // add the new network to our array and save its time of detection
            inc networkListSize
            dim networkNames[networkListSize]
            networkNames[networkListSize].name$ = networkName$
            networkNames[networkListSize].lastBroadcast# = time#

        // delete the message we were processing and move on to the next message
        incomingMessage = GetBroadcastMessage(broadcastListener)

    // now that we have processed the broadcast messages, we need to check if any old networks have become inactive
    // therefore we cycle through all the network in our list
	for c = 1 to networkListSize
        // if it has been over 2 seconds since we last heard from a network, we can assume that it has become inactive
		if time# - networkNames[c].lastBroadcast# > 2.0
            // remove the network from the list
            for d = c to networkListSize - 1
                networkNames[d].name$ = networkNames[d + 1].name$
                networkNames[d].lastBroadcast# = networkNames[d + 1].lastBroadcast#
            next d
            dec networkListSize
            dim networkNames[networkListSize]
            dec c // move the index back so that we don't miss any network this cycle having just deleted one
            updates = 1 // record that there have been updates this cycle, meaning that the text will need to be updated later
	next c

    // if there were any updates this cycle, we need to regenerate the text listing the networks to be displayed to the screen
	if updates
        // if any networks have been detected
        if networkListSize > 0
            // add all the networks to the string as a numbered list
            networkListText = ""
            for c = 1 to networkListSize
                networkListText = networkListText + Str(c) + ". " + networkNames[c].name$ + Chr(10)
            next c
        // if no networks have been detected
            // reset the message to the default no networks found message
            networkListText = "No Networks Found."
(AGK version: 2017-12-12)
Submitted: 2018-04-05 17:26:48
// BroadcastListener *fixed* to support  the new type array style.
// With the help of TomToad(again) ;-)

type NetworkNameType
    name$ // the name of the network detected (this is used to connect to the network using the JoinNetwork command)
    lastBroadcast# // this will store the time that the network was last heard from, allowing us to prune dead networks

// create a global array of networks detected
// the aim is to display this list to the screen
global networkListSize as integer	
networkListSize = 0

//dim networkNames[0] as NetworkName // obsolete.
//dim networkNames[networkListSize] as NetworkName // suggested by TomToad, which is the definition for compatibility.
//networkNames as NetworkName[networkListSize]  // declaration array new style<< not working , for arraysize must be constant or literal integer.
//global networkNames as NetworkNameType[0]  // declaration  array new style  set to global as by default arrays are set to local now, hence the previous error.
networkNames as NetworkNameType[0]  // declaration  array new style, 

// create a broadcast listener to listen for agk networks
// agk networks broadcast their existance intermittently on port 45631
global broadcastListener
broadcastListener = CreateBroadcastListener(45631)

// create a string that will contain the list of networks
// as none have been found, the default value is the no networks found message
global networkListText as string
networkListText = "No Networks Found."

    updateNetworkList(networkNames) // update the list of networks stored in networkNames
    Print(networkListText) // print the updated list of networks to the screen
    Sync() // refresh the screen

function updateNetworkList(networkNames ref as networkNameType[] )  // passed networkNames by reference to circumvent the array not being global.
    updates = 0 // assume that there have been no updates this cycle
    time# = Timer() // save the current time

    // get a message (if any) received by the broadcast listener	
    incomingMessage = GetBroadcastMessage(broadcastListener)
    // while there are still messages to process (GetBroadcastMessage will return 0 if there are no more messages)
    while (incomingMessage > 0)
        // read a string from the message - this will be the name of the agk network
        networkName$ = GetNetworkMessageString(incomingMessage)

        // find out if the network that sent the message is already in our list
        alreadyInList = 0
        for c = 1 to networkListSize
            // if the network already is in our list
            if networkNames[c].name$ = networkName$ // main.agc:47: error: "networknames" has not been defined as an array
                // update its time of detection so that we know that it is still active
                networkNames[c].lastBroadcast# = time#
                alreadyInList = 1
        next c

        // if the network that sent the message is new (because it does not appear in our list)
        if alreadyInList = 0
            updates = 1 // record that there have been updates this cycle, meaning that the text will need to be updated later
            // add the new network to our array and save its time of detection
            inc networkListSize
            //dim networkNames[networkListSize] // obsolete
				networkNames.length  = networkListSize  // change size of the array new style..

            networkNames[networkListSize].name$ = networkName$
            networkNames[networkListSize].lastBroadcast# = time#

        // delete the message we were processing and move on to the next message
        incomingMessage = GetBroadcastMessage(broadcastListener)

    // now that we have processed the broadcast messages, we need to check if any old networks have become inactive
    // therefore we cycle through all the network in our list
        for c = 1 to networkListSize
        // if it has been over 2 seconds since we last heard from a network, we can assume that it has become inactive
                if time# - networkNames[c].lastBroadcast# > 2.0
            // remove the network from the list
            for d = c to networkListSize - 1
                networkNames[d].name$ = networkNames[d + 1].name$
                networkNames[d].lastBroadcast# = networkNames[d + 1].lastBroadcast#
            next d
            dec networkListSize
          //  dim networkNames[networkListSize]  // obsolete
            networkNames.length  = networkListSize  // change size of the array new style..
            dec c // move the index back so that we don't miss any network this cycle having just deleted one
            updates = 1 // record that there have been updates this cycle, meaning that the text will need to be updated later
        next c

    // if there were any updates this cycle, we need to regenerate the text listing the networks to be displayed to the screen
        if updates
        // if any networks have been detected
        if networkListSize > 0
            // add all the networks to the string as a numbered list
            networkListText = ""
            for c = 1 to networkListSize
                networkListText = networkListText + Str(c) + ". " + networkNames[c].name$ + Chr(10)
            next c
        // if no networks have been detected
            // reset the message to the default no networks found message
            networkListText = "No Networks Found."
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