

This command is deprecated, you should use ShowFullscreenAdvertAdMob or ShowFullscreenAdvertChartboost instead.

Creates a fullscreen (interstitial) advert for revenue generation. Before calling this function you must have set your ad account details with one of the other commands such as SetAdMobDetails or SetChartboostDetails Not all platforms support all ad providers so setting as many account details as possible will allow AGK to select a suitable ad for this platform.

Both iOS and Android use caching to preload ads before displaying them. If an ad has been loaded when you call this command then it will be displayed immediately, otherwise this command will do nothing. Failure to load an ad may be because the ad provider has run out of ads to show to users in a particular country. You can check if an ad is waiting to be displayed for a particular provider with GetFullscreenAdvertLoadedAdMob or GetFullscreenAdvertLoadedChartboost. Your app will be paused when the advert is displayed, and will resume when the advert is dismissed.

