

Sets the range of direction in degrees that a particle can choose when it first starts. This takes the base direction set with Set3DParticlesDirection and adjusts it by a random amount between 0 and angle1/2 degrees in one direction and angle2/2 degrees in the perpendicular direction. For example an angle1 of 0 and an angle2 of 0 would mean that all new particles follow exactly the direction specified earlier. An angle1 of 360 and an angle2 of 0 would mean that particles could appear travelling in any direction in a flat circle, whilst an angle1 of 360 and an angle2 of 180 would mean that particles would travel in any direction in a sphere. The angles form a pyramid aligned with the particle emitter direction specified earlier. Angle1 must be between 0 and 360, angle2 must be between 0 and 180.


Set3DParticlesDirectionRange( ID, angle1, angle2 )
