

Sets the rotation of the specified object using euler angles in degrees. Alternatively you can use SetObjectRotationQuat to use a quaternion. By default objects are created with the angles 0,0,0 in the order YXZ. Euler angles are compound angles where the object starts at 0,0,0 and is then rotated using the given Y angle, then by the given X angle, then rolled by the given Z angle. Each 3D rotation can be represented by 2 Euler angle combinations, Y,X,Z and Y-180,X-180,Z-180 so either version may be returned by the GetObjectAngle commands. Quaternions and Euler angles can both be used at the same time. For example setting a quaternion rotation will generate equivalent Euler values that can be retrieved with GetObjectAngleX, GetObjectAngleX, and GetObjectAngleZ.


SetObjectRotation( objID, angx, angy, angz )
